
Tuesday 1 November 2011

Don't Let Your Bonfire Night Fizzle Into an Insurance Nightmare

Ensure your home insurance policy covers personal liability against damage and accidents
Look out for your canine and feline friends too, says

With households across the country gearing up for this year's Bonfire Night celebrations, urges people to make sure their home insurance policy includes adequate personal liability protection to insure them for any accidents, as otherwise the evening could go off with a costly bang.

Britain's number one comparison site warns homeowners to check the small print of their home insurance policy for personal liability protection. Most insurers will provide cover for personal liability of £2,000,000, however this does vary across providers.[1] According to statistics from BIS, over 6,600 people are injured in firework accidents each year, with half of these injuries happening to children under 16 [2]. If any accidents occur on your property, you could be liable for a personal injury claim, and not having enough personal liability cover in place, could leave you severely out of pocket.
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